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Faculty Services-Main Page: Reserves Request

Faculty Services

Request form

Adding NEW eReserve items

To request a NEW e-Reserve/Book Reserve, or make changes to an existing one, please go to:

Step 1 - Enter the following info:


Instructor Name

Course Number: no spaces in acronym

                Course Name: exactly as it appears in Course Schedule


                My eReserve/Book Reserve items will: (choose one)

  • Remain exactly the same as the last time the course ran
  • Mostly remain the same, but I have items I need to delete or add
  • I have a new course that has never had reserves

The following items need to be removed from my course: (enter info here for items you want to DELETE ONLY, DO NOT ADD NEW ITEMS here)


Step 2

                Enter your email address if you would like confirmation of your reservation sent to you (optional)

Step 3

“We have received your eReserve request. If you have new items to add click here. (Allows you to start adding new items)

Step 4

Personal Info


e-mail address


Course Info

Course Number: no spaces in acronym (if your course number is not listed in dropdown, clink on “enter manually here”)

                Course Name: exactly as it appears in Course Schedule

Instructor: choose from dropdown menu, if not listed choose *add new instructor* and enter name manually

Term: choose from dropdown menu

Description: leave blank

Password: leave blank

Enrollment: leave blank


Item Info: Begin entering the first item you’d like to appear in your eReserve

Name: This is the name of the item as it appears to the student. We suggest you enter the title of the article, chapter or book here so it is easily identified.

Description: enter complete citation for article, chapter or website

Password: Leave blank

URL: Leave Blank. A Librarian (Jessikah) will retrieve the permalink to your article after you submit this article request.

File Attachment: If your article is in pdf format, you may upload that pdf file here. If you do not have the pdf, a Librarian (Jessikah) will locate it and upload it for you.

Additional Info/Instructions: Leave blank

Display Info:

Folder: If you would like to organize your course items into folders, please enter the name of the folder for the item here. If you are entering a Book Reserve item (instead of an e-Reserve item), please label this folder “Library Books on Reserve.”

Start Visibility: Leave blank

End Visibility: Leave blank

Type Info: VERY IMPORTANT! From the drop down menu, please choose your item type (article, book chapter, etc.) and Click GO!

                Book / e-Book / Chapter: If you choose this option, these fields will also need to be completed:               

                Book Title

                Author / Editor


                Volume / Edition


                Publication Date

                Call Number

                Is this an e-Book? Y / N

                Is this a personal copy? Y / N

                Chapter Info:

Is this a chapter? Y / N: If so, these fields will also need to be completed:

                Chapter Title

                Chapter Author


                Article Info: If you choose this option, these fields will also need to be completed:

Article Title


                Journal Title




                Publication Date

                DOI: Leave blank

Read the Statement of Copyright Restrictions and check the box to signify you have read and agree to the above statement.


Now you will see a notice highlighted in green: “Your request has been received. You will receive a notification via email when the request has been received.”

Your request will be sent to me directly, and I will enter them into the system on an individual basis as they are received. Once I have your e-Reserve finalized, I will send you the “live” URL so you may embed it into your Canvass course. Once I have your Book Reserve finalized, the books you requested will be placed on the Reserve Book shelf in the Library. Your Book Reserve will also be listed in your course e-Reserve with a direct link to the item in the Bryan Library catalog.