The purpose of this course is to provide a broad framework for use of quantitative and qualitative research methods in healthcare fields. The concentration will be on quantitative research, though qualitative will be discussed at times. The focus will be on understanding and applying the research process. We will examine measurement tools as a way to collect data, and bridge the purpose statement and research question to the type of data analysis.
This one-page chart summarizes the difference between qualitative and quantitative research paradigms.
AM Last Page: Understanding Qualitative and Quantitative Research Paradigms in Academic Medicine
This one page chart summarizes quality criteria in qualitative and quantitative research.
AM Last Page: Quality Criteria in Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Castillo-Page L, Bodilly S, Bunton SA. AM last page. Understanding qualitative and quantitative research paradigms in academic medicine. Acad Med. 2012 Mar;87(3):386. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e318247c660. PMID: 22373638.
Frambach JM, van der Vleuten CP, Durning SJ. AM last page. Quality criteria in qualitative and quantitative research. Acad Med. 2013 Apr;88(4):552. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e31828abf7f. PMID: 23531762.