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VASC343: Core II Vascular Sonography: Finding Articles

This course guide has been created in support of the arterial paper and presentation assignment for VASC343: Core II Vascular Sonography

Finding Articles

Sonography journals and other relevant medical journals are indexed in several databases. The following table shows the differences between journal coverage in PubMed and CINAHL Complete. Note: The table doesn't include all sonography journals -- just a few to illustrate the difference.

Journal Title PubMed CINAHL Complete
Vascular & Endovascular Surgery 2002 - present 2004 - present
Journal of Vascular Surgery 1984 - present Not indexed
Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography Not indexed 1995 - present
Sonography (published by Wiley; started in 2014;  Australasian Sonographers Association) Not indexed 2017 - present

Bryan Fusion

Search Tips

1. Make a list of keywords related to your topic. Are there broader or narrower terms?

2. Create a search strategy using the Boolean operators, AND; OR. For example, venous thrombosis OR DVT OR deep vein thrombosis

3. To search for case reports in Fusion, this strategy works well: "case study" OR "case studies" OR "case report" OR "case reports". In PubMed, you can easily limit a search to "Case Report". 

4. Remember to use the appropriate limits (e.g. peer-reviewed, date range, English language, study type, etc.) in the databases. The limits may be somewhat different, depending on what database(s) you search.

PubMed & CINAHL Complete