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NURS308: Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: Search Tips

This guide provides links to resources and search tips for the movie analysis paper.

Search Tips

 Here are a few things to consider when searching for information for your paper:

1. Psychiatric Diagnosis: Use the DSM-V-TR or the textbook, Davis Advantage for Townsend's Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing. Some diagnoses have limited coverage in the textbook. In the DSM-V-TR, the Diagnostic Features and Associated Features Supporting Diagnosis section will help you understand the symptoms displayed by the main character.

2. Nursing Diagnoses: Use the "Pocket Guide to Psychiatric Nursing" and/or the textbook.

3. Pharmacological Treatments: Use Micromedex or Lippincott resources

4. Non-pharmacological Treatments: Search PubMed for a recent article (e.g. "review article", systematic review). Search for reputable websites from national organizations for treatment options. Look at more than one website; are their differences in the information? You can find helpful information about non-pharmacological treatments from an organization. Then, you can look for articles in PubMed (or Fusion) to find more in-depth information. View the Screencast in Canvas to learn how to search PubMed. You can also use Fusion to find articles.

Ego Defense Mechanisms: Refer to the “Ego Defense Mechanisms” chart on p. 18-19 in the textbook. The defense mechanisms are listed, along with a definition and an example. Find a scholarly article or reputable website for more information. Use the Fusion database and try using the “Subject” limit on the right-hand sidebar to help refine your search. View the Screencast in Canvas to learn how to search Fusion and find articles about coping and defense mechanisms. You can also use PubMed to find articles.